Federal Government appoints innaugural National Cyber Security Coordinator

June 28, 2023 |

In the 1980s it was fashionable in the The Federal Government to create tsars. The term signified that they were doing something important and had enhanced powers. There were drug tsars and education tsars. The terminology was a bit unfortunate. Tsars historically had a habit of coming unstuck in horrible ways. Nothing like that happened in America but not much was done either. Australia is not nearly so grandiose. In Australia the tradition is to appoint directors or co ordinator. In that tradition the Government has announced the appointment of Air Marshal Darren Goldie AM CSC as the innuagural National Cyber Security Coordinator. The position is administrative. It is probably a good idea however the real need for improvement in cyber security is at the ground level with organisations and agencies applying fit for purpose programs, keeping them up to date and training staff to avoid making mistakes that lead to a data breach. Not nearly enough of that is being done.

The media release provides:

The Albanese Government has announced the appointment of Air Marshal Darren Goldie AM CSC as the inaugural National Cyber Security Coordinator.Air Marshal Goldie has served his country with distinction for more than 30 years through various roles with the Royal Australian Air Force, most recently as Air Commander Australia.As the Air Commander Australia, Air Marshal Goldie has been responsible for building capability and resilience for the Royal Australian Air Force. He has led the coordination of Defence responses to natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic.Air Marshal Goldie has also held key leadership positions, including at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in 2020-21 providing strategic foreign policy advice to Government.He will commence his term as the National Cyber Security Coordinator on 3 July 2023. The National Cyber Security Coordinator, together with the National Office of Cyber Security, will drive forward the necessary work to ensure Australia is best positioned to respond to the opportunities and threats of the digital age.The Coordinator will lead national cyber security policy, the coordination of responses to major cyber incidents, whole of Government cyber incident preparedness efforts and strengthening of Commonwealth cyber security capability.The Coordinator will lead this work in collaboration with the Government’s key policy, operational and security agencies.This builds on the Albanese Government’s commitment to deliver a 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy and follows a Cyber Security Industry Roundtable hosted by the Prime Minister earlier this year.

One Response to “Federal Government appoints innaugural National Cyber Security Coordinator”

  1. Lawyers in Caboolture

    The appointment of the inaugural National Cyber Security Coordinator, as discussed in this article, reflects the Federal Government’s proactive approach towards strengthening the nation’s cyber defenses and fostering a safer digital landscape for all.

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