Legislative Council of New South Wales Parliament commences inquiry into Artificial Intelligence

June 30, 2023 |

Along with the Federal Government the New South Wales Parliament has commenced an inquiry into Artificial Intelligence.

The terms of reference are:

1. That Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and Finance inquire into and report on artificial intelligence (AI) in New South Wales, and in particular:
(a) the current and future extent, nature and impact of AI in New South Wales
(b) the social, economic and technical opportunities, risks and challenges presented by AI to the New South Wales community, government, economy and environment
(c) current community and industry use of AI and the potential implications for delivery of government services
(d) the current and future extent, nature and impact of AI on the New South Wales labour market including potential changes in:
(i) earnings
(ii) job security
(iii) employment type
(iv) employment status
(v) working patterns
(vi) skills and capabilities for the current and future workforce
(e) the current and future extent, nature and impact of AI on social inclusion, equity, accessibility, cohesion and the disadvantaged
(f) the current and future extent, nature and impact of AI on customer service and frontline service delivery in New South Wales
(g) the current and future extent, nature and impact of AI on human rights and democratic institutions and processes in New South Wales
(h) the effectiveness and enforcement of Commonwealth and New South Wales laws and regulations regarding AI
(i) whether current laws regarding AI in New South Wales that regulate privacy, data security, surveillance, anti-discrimination, consumer, intellectual property and workplace protections, amongst others are fit for purpose
(j) the effectiveness of the NSW Government’s policy response to AI including the Artificial Intelligence Strategy, Ethics Policy and Assurance Framework
(k) the measures other jurisdictions, both international and domestic, are adopting in regard to the adaption to and regulation of AI
(l) the successes and positive precedents experienced by other jurisdictions, both international and domestic, to better understand best practice
(m) recommendations to manage the risks, seize the opportunities, and guide the potential use of AI by government, and
(n) any other related matter.




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