Hack on Shoping.su, poetic justice

June 5, 2016 |

Hackers are equal opportunity pilferers.  They go where the weakness lies and the money resides.  As the reported hack on Shoping.su testifies as reported in Sh0ping.su Hacked, Thousands of Credit Cards and Accounts Leaked.


What goes around comes around — The cyber crime ShOping.su known for selling hacked accounts has been hacked and massive data has been leaked online!

The year 2016 has been hard on internet users and websites alike since more than 1,076 data breaches have occurred. The latest one is ShOping.su previously known as ShOping.net, a Dark Net platform where hackers and cyber criminals sell hacked and stolen accounts. Recently, someone decided to take care of the stolen data stored on ShOping.su’s server by stealing thousands of accounts and putting it for sale online – But days after the hackers decided to leak the data to the public.

The hackers behind the leak claim to have leaked 16,000 ShOping.su’s registered accounts, 15,000 user accounts which were stolen from other sites and stored on the hacked servers and around 9000 credit card data. Hacked-DB, the data mining company who first discovered the data contacted HackRead with an in-depth analysis according to them the leaked data is legit and stolen from platforms across the web. The dumped data contains 16,566 user accounts with email addresses and their encrypted passwords, 9,000 accounts from platforms like Uber, cPanel, WebMail, GoDaddy, Twitter, PayPal, Amazon and more. (The 9,000 accounts were available on ShOping.su for sale.)

The analysis also revealed sensitive data dumped containing personal and credit card data of 5,000 users including ID card numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers along with their CVV codes, type of card, zip code, users’ date of births, name or the state and city, phone numbers, usernames, email addresses, price and date of purchased.

“Hacked-DB has detected a data breach on ShOping.su website. The leaked data contains user account information and full credit card details, credit number, CVV, expiration date, holder name, credit type etc. the website was down for maintenance after the data breach but now it is back online,” said the company’s representatives.

ShOping.su, which at the time of publishing this article was available for visitors, had been down for almost one and a half day as a result of the security breach.

It is unclear why the data was put up for sale and later leaked online for public view.  This, however, is not the first time when a cybercrime forum has faced such a massive breach. Just last month, Nulled.io, a similar platform selling hacked accounts and cracked software on the Dark Web was hacked and everything on its server was stolen. 

Although the affected platform in this breach is a cyber crime portal, it also harms those who had their data stolen in the  first place  and now they find themselves victims twice.

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  1. Hack on Shoping.su, poetic justice | Australian Law Blogs

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