Data breach in Georgia, USA, results in a personal information of 6 million voters being released

November 20, 2015 |

A modern phenomena of data storage has been the ever growing volume of personal information kept under the control of organisations and agencies.  Slack controls can result in huge data breaches as happened recently in Georgia when personal information of up to 6 million individuals was sent to 12 organisations as reported in Data breach in Georgia could affect 6 million voters.  Needless to say the staffer responsible for the unauthorised release of this huge volume of information was fired as reported in IT staffer fired in data breach affecting 6 million Georgia voter. That is cold comfort especially as the State has to contend with 2 class actions.

One Response to “Data breach in Georgia, USA, results in a personal information of 6 million voters being released”

  1. Data breach in Georgia, USA, results in a personal information of 6 million voters being released | Australian Law Blogs

    […] Data breach in Georgia, USA, results in a personal information of 6 million voters being released […]

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