Privacy Commissioner releases video on privacy

August 4, 2014 |

Today thePrivacy Commissioenr released a video, the first in a series, on privacy.

It is found here:

The transcript provides:

What is privacy?

In Australia, personal information is protected by the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Personal information is information that could identify you, like your name or a photo.

The Privacy Act does not cover physical privacy.

The Privacy Act applies to Australian Government agencies, all medium to large businesses and not-for-profits, all private health services, the credit reporting industry, and all organisations trading in personal information.

It does not apply to the acts of individuals or most small businesses.

Privacy is important. It’s about protecting information that says who we are, what we do, what we think, what we believe.

Game of Thrones it is not.

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  1. Privacy Commissioner releases video on privacy | Australian Law Blogs

    […] Privacy Commissioner releases video on privacy […]

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