Akolade seminar on Health & Aged Care Law Fundamentals Mitigating practitioners’ risks whilst ensuring legislative compliance to new changes
November 27, 2013 |
Today I delivered a paper on Privacy and health records.
The topics I covered were:
Patient privacy and confidential record management considerations in response to recent privacy law changes
– Operation of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the implications of the changes which will take effect on 12 March 2014
– Coverage and operation of State legislation in Victoria (Information Privacy Act 2000 & Health Records Act 2001), New South Wales (Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002) and Queensland (Information Standard 42A)
– Practice and possible pitfalls with the personally controlled electronic health (eHealth) record system
– Best practice for managing personal information, patient record management, handling, distribution and disposal for providers
With 4 months to go until the amendments to the Privacy Act take effect it remains fascinating, and disturbing, that many organisations are poorly prepared. Given that the consequences could be litigation and civil penalties this is poor management writ large.