Theophanous case has another twist and turn – this time from Camp Theophanous

November 16, 2008 |

On Friday the Herald Sun returned to the grubby practice of running unsubstantiated assertions in the allegations into Theo Theophanous. This time the Herald Sun ran a tawdry piece giving Rita Theophanous a free kick to rail against  the complainant and then publishing an open letter.  The allegations are a mish mash of second and third hand beliefs and suppositions.  The letter is part sentimental pap, referring to Theo’s father and niece, assertions and a none too subtle attempt to pressure the police.  I can sympathise with Rita Theophanous’ anger an pain.  I don’t sympathise with what she has done to support her husband.  It brings little credit on her.  The Herald Sun should be ashamed though I think it hardly cares.  The  sub judice rule does not apply so it is not likely to be prosecuted.  But all these allegations complicate the proper conduct of the criminal justice system.  If Rita wanted to say something she should do what every citizen who has relevant information can and should do, go to the police and make a statement.  It is not hard.  It is more honest than the grubby quasi political and very personal game she is playing.

It was particularly disappointing to find that club troppo has extracted the letter.  It is usually a good site and Nick Gruen a smart operator.  Must be something in the water supply today for him to post this risible drivel without even condemning the disgraceful content.

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