Contrast in shoe horning flacks out of safe seats
March 25, 2006 |
Petro Georgiou has had a remarkably undistinguished Parliamentary career, even by the slothful standards of backbenchers in a dominant goverment. Georgiou’s achievements are not nearly as great as has been heralded. The treatment of asylum seekers was becoming a hot button issue and the “doctors’s wives” were donning war paint well before Petro the pouter became a darling of the black clad ABC commentariat. His hellenic cousin, Sophie Panopoulos has been spruiking up hill and down dale in conservative quarters, sometimes saying sensible things in committee and setting herself up for a junior ministerial gig in a last term Liberal Government.
The tilt by Frydenburg gives an insight into how the Liberal “factions” do their thing. None of this organised branch stacking. That’s a NSW thing for the Liberals. In Victoria it is a fight around personalities. This fight is a proxy fight between patricians. Its fair enough to see malcontent Fraser backing his old staffer; he needs to address his relevance depravation syndrome as he ponders the point of it all in 101 Collins Street.
Frydenburg looks good on paper (though spies from his campus days say he was “all hat no cattle” to use the Texan terminology) and Georgiou is shite in reality. But in the battle between the blue bloods Frydenburg is history. It will be fascinating to watch the line up of patricians tooing a froing. Another 3 years of medicore representation.